Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Today I will enlighten you with quotations pertaining to the rain. 
And if you couldn't guess, I have a mad, passionate love for the rain.

    You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too. That's part of it.
    Denzel Washinton

    The best thing you can do when it's raining is to let it rain.
    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (I have a hard time believing this is legitimately someone's name)

    Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines.
    Satchel Paige (I love this one, take that you sunshine lovers!)

    When it rains on your parade, look up instead of down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.
    Jerry Chin (His brother's name is Harry)

    Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a         lullaby.
    Langston Hughes

This next quote is for one of my best friends, and someone who shares in my adoration for the rain.

    Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces up, snow is exhilarating, there is really no such         thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.
    John Ruskin

Monday, August 29, 2011

boiled potatoes

Yes the name of my blog is boiled potatoes but this isn't just some random name. No, no. It is directly extracted from a quotation of incredible hilarity and debateably, wisdom. The quotation is as follows: "What a superbly featured room and what excellent boiled potatoes. Many years since I've had such an exemplary vegatable."
This quote is from none other than the infamous Pride and Prejudice. I am quoting the 2005 movie version, one of the best versions. I will now take a moment to describe to you what Pride and Prejudice means to me. Pride and Prejudice is everything. It is the air I breathe, the food for my very soul. Pride and Prejudice is a story of love, misunderstanding, passion, deceit, love, love, love and a fairly crazy family. If you have never seen or read Pride and Prejudice, you are missing out on the biggest thing of your life. You have not lived until you've seen and/or read it. When I watch or read it, I want to sing and dance simultaneously. I get warm fuzzies all inside of me and I get more excited than a six year old at christmas. You could say I'm obsessed, but if you were trying to insult me by calling me that you would fail miserably. I am a proud fanatic of Pride and Prejudice and will be one forevermore. Thank the Lord for Jane Austen.


"Don't go wasting your emotions, lay all your love on me."
That's the first line that pops into my head when someone mentions emotions. The second thing is PMS, but we won't get into that.
Emotions are a funny thing. They can be altered almost instantly and stay the same for long periods of time. My mood can be completely based on the song I heard that morning, or what someone told me. People are so delicate, so sensitive. It can be irritating, but when you're having an awful day and 1,2,3,4 by The Plain White Tees comes on the shuffle songs on your ipod, you will thank those ever-changing emotions. So let's raise our glass to emotions. Thanks emotions for being able to change on such short notice. :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Growing Up

It's a scary thing, growing up. You never know what it's going to be like because it's different for everyone. In less than two weeks I will be doing just that, growing up. Well, that's debateable. I could potentially choose to grow up and accept the fact that maturity comes with age and apparently 17 is that age (for women anyway :P). I could also choose to be immature and have an entire bucket (or two) of fun for my last year before actually being forced to grow up. But there is a third option here. The option in which the immature and the mature combine. Where responsibility meets freedom and you have the power to have those moments in which you can proceed to be a goof or a mature and responsible adult. This option, in my opinion, is the best of both worlds. It takes a wise person to decide when it is appropriate to take things seriously and make the proper preparations for your life and when to let loose and relax, and to just have fun. That is my plan. The best of both worlds. In one world I can postpone growing up, and in the other, embrace it. Where, O growing u, is your victory? Where, O growing up, is your sting?