Saturday, August 27, 2011

Growing Up

It's a scary thing, growing up. You never know what it's going to be like because it's different for everyone. In less than two weeks I will be doing just that, growing up. Well, that's debateable. I could potentially choose to grow up and accept the fact that maturity comes with age and apparently 17 is that age (for women anyway :P). I could also choose to be immature and have an entire bucket (or two) of fun for my last year before actually being forced to grow up. But there is a third option here. The option in which the immature and the mature combine. Where responsibility meets freedom and you have the power to have those moments in which you can proceed to be a goof or a mature and responsible adult. This option, in my opinion, is the best of both worlds. It takes a wise person to decide when it is appropriate to take things seriously and make the proper preparations for your life and when to let loose and relax, and to just have fun. That is my plan. The best of both worlds. In one world I can postpone growing up, and in the other, embrace it. Where, O growing u, is your victory? Where, O growing up, is your sting?

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