It was cold. Everything was dark.
I mean, it was just like the movies. Like Jane Eyre.
Foreboding almost.
I felt that something was coming.
Something big. Something potentially dangerous.
But nothing happened. Nothing ever came.
Why do circumstances change our thinking, make us believe nonsense?
Why do we let little things like the weather determine our future and consume our thoughts.
When there's a storm, it means death.
When it's dark out there are strangers present that want to kill me.
Oh gosh now isn't that a little dramatic?
It sounds ridiculus right?
Then why do we do it?
Even though logic tells us that it's silly.
I'll tell you.
Right now.
The answer to everything.
Right here.
June 17th, 2012.
Prepare yourself.
Mark your calendars. The answer is... Media.
You read me.
The media.
I hate them.
They're the reason we believe crap like that. They're the reason the country lives in fear. They've fed us information that they know we love. But isntead of trying to show us the right path and make sure we know that the world isn't such a scary place after all, they reap the world of its evil and present it to us in elaborate and frightening ways.
We want more because we believe it's for our safety. False.
If the media stopped putting so much ridiculous crap
June 17th, 2012.
Prepare yourself.
Mark your calendars. The answer is... Media.
You read me.
The media.
I hate them.
They're the reason we believe crap like that. They're the reason the country lives in fear. They've fed us information that they know we love. But isntead of trying to show us the right path and make sure we know that the world isn't such a scary place after all, they reap the world of its evil and present it to us in elaborate and frightening ways.
We want more because we believe it's for our safety. False.
If the media stopped putting so much ridiculous crap
in our faces and began to show life. Reality at its
finest isntead of its worst.
Our fears would diminish and the world would actually become a better place. Because people would believe in good and see that in others instead of being so paranoid.
But this is the world we live in.
And you know what I'm going to do about it? I'll tell you.
Because I know you're obviously super curious.
I am going to screw them. Screw the media.
Not literally of course.
I don't sleep around.
Not really my style.
But seriously. Can you boycott the media? Perhaps I'll just spam them with cute, fluffy stories about puppies and kittens.
That could work.
But why bother?
Why even try?
Our fears would diminish and the world would actually become a better place. Because people would believe in good and see that in others instead of being so paranoid.
But this is the world we live in.
And you know what I'm going to do about it? I'll tell you.
Because I know you're obviously super curious.
I am going to screw them. Screw the media.
Not literally of course.
I don't sleep around.
Not really my style.
But seriously. Can you boycott the media? Perhaps I'll just spam them with cute, fluffy stories about puppies and kittens.
That could work.
But why bother?
Why even try?
The media wont change.
We won't change.
So what's the point?
What am I saying?!
I have every reason to fight for the goodness in this world!
It is my world and I will find and share the goodness as long as I live!
I'll do it for my children.
I'll fight.
For my childrens' children.
I'll fight.
I'll fight till the end.
I see skies of blue
red roses too
and I think to myself what a wonderful world.
So what's the point?
What am I saying?!
I have every reason to fight for the goodness in this world!
It is my world and I will find and share the goodness as long as I live!
I'll do it for my children.
I'll fight.
For my childrens' children.
I'll fight.
I'll fight till the end.
I see skies of blue
red roses too
and I think to myself what a wonderful world.
Caris, I couldn't agree with you more. We were away from all media for the past 2 weeks and it was so peaceful. Came home and the stories were still all the same and horrific. I realize that we have to know what is happening in this world we live in but the media sensationalizes everything instead of just reporting the facts. Keep up the great blogging, you make me think. Love Grandma B