Monday, June 18, 2012

English Thoughts

I found this website/app called Omm writer. It's awesome. 
Check it out.
It will change your life. 
For real.
The past two posts (including this one)I used Omm writer.

For the following please remember that I'm pretending that that is what it's going to be like in September when I got o England. It's kind of how I imagine. Just some thoughts...

 It's beautiful.
Everything about this place screams Caris Lynn Nickerson.
Its like someone took every desire of my heart and displayed them on a giant canvas.
This is England.
And I love it.
It's a magical place.
Elizabeth Bennet called this home.
Then again, she is a fictional charater.
But Jane Austen lived here.
The Jane Austen.
It's remarkable.
I cannot believe I'm here.
How did I get from that little speck of a town to this Pride and Prejudice haven?
I think I might have blinked too many times...

Oh what are men compared to rocks and mountains!
I could stay here forever.
Until my death.
This is home.
This is what every person's home should feel like. This, plus family.

I could never forget family. 

Media Haterade

It was cold. Everything was dark.
I mean, it was just like the movies. Like Jane Eyre. 

Foreboding almost. 
I felt that something was coming. 
Something big. Something potentially dangerous.
But nothing happened. Nothing ever came.
Why do circumstances change our thinking, make us believe nonsense?
Why do we let little things like the weather determine our future and consume our thoughts.
When there's a storm, it means death.
When it's dark out there are strangers present that want to kill me.
Oh gosh now isn't that a little dramatic?
It sounds ridiculus right?
Then why do we do it?
Even though logic tells us that it's silly.
I'll tell you.
Right now.

The answer to everything. Right here.
June 17th, 2012.
Prepare yourself.

Mark your calendars. The answer is... Media.
You read me.

The media.
I hate them.
They're the reason we believe crap like that. They're the reason the country lives in fear. They've fed us information that they know we love. But isntead of trying to show us the right path and make sure we know that the world isn't such a scary place after all, they reap the world of its evil and present it to us in elaborate and frightening ways.
We want more because we believe it's for our safety. False.
If the media stopped putting so much ridiculous crap

in our faces and began to show life. Reality at its finest isntead of its worst.
Our fears would diminish and the world would actually become a better place. Because people would believe in good and see that in others instead of being so paranoid.

But this is the world we live in.
And you know what I'm going to do about it? I'll tell you.
Because I know you're obviously super curious.
I am going to screw them. Screw the media.
Not literally of course.
I don't sleep around.
Not really my style.
But seriously. Can you boycott the media? Perhaps I'll just spam them with cute, fluffy stories about puppies and kittens.
That could work.
But why bother?
Why even try?

The media wont change. We won't change.
So what's the point?

What am I saying?!
I have every reason to fight for the goodness in this world!
It is my world and I will find and share the goodness as long as I live!
I'll do it for my children.
I'll fight.
For my childrens' children.
I'll fight.
I'll fight till the end.

I see skies of blue
red roses too
and I think to myself what a wonderful world. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

KONY 2012

Ok, so it's been a while I'll admit.
I'm a busy person though and doing this in the summer was a lot easier!
Despite the lengthy absence, I would like to get back into blogging again. So please enjoy!

Today's post will mainly surround KONY.
You should all know what I'm talking about, it's everywhere.
He's everywhere.
If you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about then please take 30 minutes out of your day to watch this phenomenal film below.

Now there are two sides to this, well actually multiple sides but I'm going to stick with just two. There's the side that supports Invisible Children's Campaign and see this as a positive thing and there is the side that think that Invisible Children's money is not going where it should and that Kony should be dealt with in a different way whether that be peacefully (not using military) or by other means.
You are entitled to your opinion of course but I, being the completely biased individual that I am, am going to tell you what I think.
I think that Invisible Children's Campaign is awesome. I really do. There are so many positive's along with this campaign. For example, look at all the people who are involved with this! Look at all the people who would normally never participate in this sort of thing getting involved! It excites me.
Getting Kony's name out there is great too. I mean, who knew he even existed since a couple of days ago?! I sure didn't. And arresting Kony isn't going to end all the conflict, but it's a start. And a good one I think. What if Invisible Children hadn't done this? The world would be oblivious to Kony and the horrors in Uganda. This campaign is making people think, making people question and getting people involved. I've been researching Uganda, the LRA, Kony and arguments supporting both sides just because I want to be a part of what's going on and I want to have an opinion on it. Shout out to Ms. Araki! Thanks for teaching me the importance of having an opinion :)
With regards to the money issue, I think that if you want donate to the bettering of children in Uganda then donate to another organization other than Invisible Children. The money that Invisible Children gets it used towards KONY 2012 posters, stickers, banners, and to pay for the documentary. In no way does Invisible Children advertise that the money donated goes to Ugandan children, when purchasing their action kit or donating it clearly states that the money goes towards the campaign.
There are other issues with this too. For one, Invisible Children is supporting the military. They speak of peace and yet are working to keep the American and Ugandan army present in Uganda to arrest Kony. Some people agree with the military presence there but others do not, what I want to know is what other ways can we arrest him? How else can Kony be convicted for his horrendous crimes? I know there must be another way but I don't have the answer and I seek to find it.
Another issue people have is that the Ugandan army also abducts children and participates in many of the things Kony does. They just don't do it nearly as much as him. This is obviously hypocritical and I certainly don't agree with it. Both the Ugandan army and the LRA should be investigated and put to a trial.
And finally, the issue with the child soldiers protecting Kony. He is protected by child soldiers and if the American and Ugandan armies are going to get him they'll have to go through the children first. This would likely involve the killing of many children.
It's a difficult thing, the KONY 2012 campaign.
Here's where I currently stand:
I think that the campaign is a good thing, the way it gets people involved, etc. as I said before. Getting Kony's name out there is important and an easy way for people to contribute even though the issue is much bigger than that.
I also think that there must be another way to go about arresting Kony. There must be! A way without the military, a way without harming children, a way without supporting an army that abducts, rapes and pillages.
You may disagree with me, you may not.
Wherever you stand, I hope that you are informed and stay strong in your opinion. Stand firm and let people know how you feel about it, don't try to convert them! Have a discussion, maybe someone will learn something that they didn't know before :)
Isn't that the goal?
To learn?
To grow?
To educate?