Lists are how I function properly in my life. They are how I manage my life and busy schedules. They are how I get to sleep.
When I can't fall asleep because I have too much on my mind, I just make a list of all the things I have to do the next day and then go to sleep.
It's theraputic.
I also have the most horrible memory in the world so instead of having things jumbled inside my head, I like writing them down. Lists are tangible and personal. I like that I can touch my thoughts and see my life all laid out.
I bought this book called To-Do Lists. And before I read it I thought I was a little bit crazy because I made lists like there was no tomorrow, at least once a day. But then I discovered, after I read the book, that there is a whole world of list makers! It's incredible! I thought I was alone and boy oh boy, I was wrong.
Lists are significantly important in my life and I would probably freak out 24/7 if I couldn't write my thoughts down or what I had to do.
If you are not an avid list maker like myself, I recommend trying it out. It's not for everybody but what do you have to lose?
Here, I'll help.
This can be the beginning of your list.
To Do List
--> read Caris' blog
--> comment on the posts
--> sing a song
--> do a jig
I hope this helps :)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I have many buttons. Buttons that can be easily found and pushed constantly, if you so desire.
Buttons are what make me tick. If you have a button, it's what makes you tick.
A few of my buttons include dissing Glee, feet, seeing women as the lesser gender, promoting wrestling and many more. These are my buttons. These are what I feel strongly about enough to defend in any circumstances. Well, kind of. Feet aren't something I defend. I just hate feet. I hate them. With all of my heart. Ick. But moving on, when you're friends find your buttons (and it wasn't very difficult for them to find mine) they will spare you no grief in the pushing of the buttons. I don't know why but I always feel that I have to fight for what I love even though it doesn't really matter. I'm not protesting for human rights, I'm defending my favourite TV show! I guess it sounds trivial next to something like human rights but I can't allow people to make fun of something many hard working and talented people put a lot of talent and hard work into! Their lives are invested in that and I feel that they don't need people hating on them.
Wrestling is different. Wrestling is still something someone invests their life into but it's completely different because it's not contributing to society in a positive way. Glee is extremely encouraging, it's funny, it's changed lives (and if you don't believe me watch Glee 3D the movie, it will explain). I will not discuss further the topic of wrestling because it makes me ill just thinking about it.
In summation, buttons are not necessarily a bad thing. Buttons can be good, they can help you come out of your shell and stand up for what you believe in. Sometimes though, letting things go is important. Not every button needs defending. But stay strong my fellow buttons, we won't let those button pressers get the best of us!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
What comes to mind when you read/hear that?
When I think of prom I instantly imagine this adorable little tacky high school gym. I picture balloons and sparkles, dancing and punch.
So in my dream world, I would like nothing better than to have my prom be this cute cheesy school gym prom that you see in the movies.
But alas, most people don't think this way. Especially my fellow graduates. It seems to be, times have changed. I realize that tacky may not be someone's first choice but it would be so incredibly precious!
This lovely image will never leave my mind!
I can just see people dancing in the middle on the dance floor, surrounded by tables of food and refreshments. There might be a fountain in the middle, or twinkling lights on the roof. There might be a theme or a colour scheme and perhaps a place to have photographs taken with your friends.
I mean, picture movies like "Footloose" and "Prom". It could be so amazing!
The only problem with this FANTASTIC idea is that no one in my grad class is willing to put in the effort to make something like that happen. No one wants tacky, even if it does look beautiful.
But I would put the effort in.
I could make it happen.
It could be amazing.
And we could all love it.
If only I had the opportunity to make our gym what it could be.
Perhaps I'll look into that.
Or perhaps I should just try to keep the peace between everyone and stick to the other ideas.

What comes to mind when you read/hear that?
When I think of prom I instantly imagine this adorable little tacky high school gym. I picture balloons and sparkles, dancing and punch.
So in my dream world, I would like nothing better than to have my prom be this cute cheesy school gym prom that you see in the movies.
But alas, most people don't think this way. Especially my fellow graduates. It seems to be, times have changed. I realize that tacky may not be someone's first choice but it would be so incredibly precious!
This lovely image will never leave my mind!
I can just see people dancing in the middle on the dance floor, surrounded by tables of food and refreshments. There might be a fountain in the middle, or twinkling lights on the roof. There might be a theme or a colour scheme and perhaps a place to have photographs taken with your friends.
I mean, picture movies like "Footloose" and "Prom". It could be so amazing!
The only problem with this FANTASTIC idea is that no one in my grad class is willing to put in the effort to make something like that happen. No one wants tacky, even if it does look beautiful.
But I would put the effort in.
I could make it happen.
It could be amazing.
And we could all love it.
If only I had the opportunity to make our gym what it could be.
Perhaps I'll look into that.
Or perhaps I should just try to keep the peace between everyone and stick to the other ideas.

Friday, September 23, 2011
"So you had a bad day.."
I had a bad day. I'm taking one down. I sing a sad song just to turn it around.
You know those days where you couldn't do one thing right if you tried?
I had one of those days yesterday. School was awesome, it was raining, I got a grad partner and well it was just a loving life in 2011 kind of day. Then came work.
I got to the kitchen and life was good, all was well. My first assignment, chive cutting. That's where my problems began.
I honestly tried my very hardest to make them as small as possible but I was shown how to do it THREE times because I wasn't doing too hot. I positioned my fingers wrong, i didn't use the whole knife, they chives were too big. Ugh. Anyway, on to the others.
As I moved on to do different jobs I dropped at least 10 things that shift, at least. It's like I had butter on my hands or something. Maybe I repel dishes? But then in dish pit I really screwed up. I didn't put some things where they were supposed too, I mixed up some pots and had to reorganize them and keep in mind I'm dropping everything in sight. Then I get my footprints on the freshly mopped floor. Yeah. So good right? My hair wasn't even how it was supposed to be! I put it in a side pony but I had to have it in a bun. Boy oh boy was I having the time of my life.
To top this whole evening off you have to envision a steaming hot kitchen to work in, with people running about and pressure to get the meal done ASAP and me, messing up everything I do, causing total embarrassment in front of the staff.
As you can imagine, it wasn't an ideal ending to my day. But lo and behold today is a new day. A beautiful new day.
You know those days where you couldn't do one thing right if you tried?
I had one of those days yesterday. School was awesome, it was raining, I got a grad partner and well it was just a loving life in 2011 kind of day. Then came work.
I got to the kitchen and life was good, all was well. My first assignment, chive cutting. That's where my problems began.
I honestly tried my very hardest to make them as small as possible but I was shown how to do it THREE times because I wasn't doing too hot. I positioned my fingers wrong, i didn't use the whole knife, they chives were too big. Ugh. Anyway, on to the others.
As I moved on to do different jobs I dropped at least 10 things that shift, at least. It's like I had butter on my hands or something. Maybe I repel dishes? But then in dish pit I really screwed up. I didn't put some things where they were supposed too, I mixed up some pots and had to reorganize them and keep in mind I'm dropping everything in sight. Then I get my footprints on the freshly mopped floor. Yeah. So good right? My hair wasn't even how it was supposed to be! I put it in a side pony but I had to have it in a bun. Boy oh boy was I having the time of my life.
To top this whole evening off you have to envision a steaming hot kitchen to work in, with people running about and pressure to get the meal done ASAP and me, messing up everything I do, causing total embarrassment in front of the staff.
As you can imagine, it wasn't an ideal ending to my day. But lo and behold today is a new day. A beautiful new day.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Mom, Mum, Mummy, Majah
It's raining again. *sigh* This is the life. This is the day I've been waiting for. The day when I can be cozy and warm inside and get nice and cold and wet outside. But I'm not posting about my incredible obsession and adoration for the rain, no today I am going to post about my mom.
My mom is quite the woman. She works, cleans, and still has a smile on her face. Just yesterday I had accidentally kept her car keys from when I was driving the day before and she had to come to school twice only to have me find them in my purse. I felt awful but mom kept her cool and was EXTREMELY patient with me. I probably would have exploded at my child. Well, maybe not exploded, but definitely have a minuscule burst.
Anyway, my mom does a lot for me. When I'm busy doing something and she asks me to do something else and I say that I just want to finish, when I get to doing the task she asked me to do she has already done it! Wow, that made very little sense but if you read it twice you might get it.
But she's just amazing like that. She does things and doesn't ask me to feel bad or expect me to apologize for not doing it. She does it because I'm her daughter and she loves me. When I ask what I can do she tells me to be her daughter. It's pretty precious not going to lie.
My mom listens to me, she appreciates and loves me. When I come from school I tell her my whole day, class by class and she just listens. I don't know how she does it!
In conclusion, I would just like to say I love you majah.
My mom is quite the woman. She works, cleans, and still has a smile on her face. Just yesterday I had accidentally kept her car keys from when I was driving the day before and she had to come to school twice only to have me find them in my purse. I felt awful but mom kept her cool and was EXTREMELY patient with me. I probably would have exploded at my child. Well, maybe not exploded, but definitely have a minuscule burst.
Anyway, my mom does a lot for me. When I'm busy doing something and she asks me to do something else and I say that I just want to finish, when I get to doing the task she asked me to do she has already done it! Wow, that made very little sense but if you read it twice you might get it.
But she's just amazing like that. She does things and doesn't ask me to feel bad or expect me to apologize for not doing it. She does it because I'm her daughter and she loves me. When I ask what I can do she tells me to be her daughter. It's pretty precious not going to lie.
My mom listens to me, she appreciates and loves me. When I come from school I tell her my whole day, class by class and she just listens. I don't know how she does it!
In conclusion, I would just like to say I love you majah.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Opinions are a funny thing. You can have an opinion on everything from fluffy bunnies to war.
But opinions themselves are not as funny as the people with the opinions.
What I want to know is why one person's opinion can ruin the relationship they have with the other person? It seems positively silly to me.
For example, politics. In a lot of families, politics is the unspoken topic of discussion. It's the taboo word and as soon as someone starts a discussion about how they think Arctic Sovereignty is important, the other(s) backs away and says "I don't like to get into that stuff.". I mean, politics isn't for everyone, I get that, but how the country you live in is run is based completely on politics. So maybe brushing up a bit on the current leaders of the parties isn't such a bad idea. Perhaps discussing just one political issue wouldn't hurt.
The reason quite a large number of families don't speak of something like politics is because of their genreation. It's how it was when they were growing up and why change tradition or, dare I say, change something.
More than politics though is the little issues. The bone I'm trying to pick at here is why friends have to feel "offended" and have their feelings hurt when one person has an opinion that's different than theirs on a small matter. For example, the weather. If I said that it was sunny outside and I hated it (which is 303% true) and my friend said that she liked the sun (with attitude) and was then mad at me because I had a different opinion than she. That's silly. Does it really matter if you don't think the same way, that you have different ideas of how things should work? p.s. It doesn't! At all!
It shouldn't matter if your friend likes sushi and you don't, or if you want a Christmas eve wedding and they want a June wedding. In the grand scheme of life and friendship, what does that have to do with your personal relationship with the person?
Now, having said that, I do understand that some opinions do matter in relationships. Religion is a big one.
But now that I've stated my opinion, you're welcome to state yours. It's okay of you disagree ;)
But opinions themselves are not as funny as the people with the opinions.
What I want to know is why one person's opinion can ruin the relationship they have with the other person? It seems positively silly to me.
For example, politics. In a lot of families, politics is the unspoken topic of discussion. It's the taboo word and as soon as someone starts a discussion about how they think Arctic Sovereignty is important, the other(s) backs away and says "I don't like to get into that stuff.". I mean, politics isn't for everyone, I get that, but how the country you live in is run is based completely on politics. So maybe brushing up a bit on the current leaders of the parties isn't such a bad idea. Perhaps discussing just one political issue wouldn't hurt.
The reason quite a large number of families don't speak of something like politics is because of their genreation. It's how it was when they were growing up and why change tradition or, dare I say, change something.
More than politics though is the little issues. The bone I'm trying to pick at here is why friends have to feel "offended" and have their feelings hurt when one person has an opinion that's different than theirs on a small matter. For example, the weather. If I said that it was sunny outside and I hated it (which is 303% true) and my friend said that she liked the sun (with attitude) and was then mad at me because I had a different opinion than she. That's silly. Does it really matter if you don't think the same way, that you have different ideas of how things should work? p.s. It doesn't! At all!
It shouldn't matter if your friend likes sushi and you don't, or if you want a Christmas eve wedding and they want a June wedding. In the grand scheme of life and friendship, what does that have to do with your personal relationship with the person?
Now, having said that, I do understand that some opinions do matter in relationships. Religion is a big one.
But now that I've stated my opinion, you're welcome to state yours. It's okay of you disagree ;)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Back in Business
This weather, that is currently in my small town, is beyond my comprehension.
I love it so much I can hardly stand it.
When I look at the clouds hovering over the mountains and consuming the sky, I get...warm fuzzies.
Special weather fuzzies.
Seriously, when I look outside I feel so incredibly content with the world. Like nothing could shatter such a magnificent feeling. Of course this is false, but I try to be positive.
As I ran some errands around town I rolled down the window just so I could feel the cold wind brushing my arms and face. The other day I didn't wear a sweater on my way to school when it was "misting" because the feeling of the precipitation tickling my arms is too wonderful to pass up. I don't live more than 2 minutes away but that's not the point. The point is, how does weather do this?
Weather is a talented thing and really should be given an award, multiple awards in fact! Everything from Hurricanes to Sand Storms in no time at all! It's just insanity. And the ability to make others feel different emotions. For example, when I see clouds and rain I am happy (elated really) but when others see the that they are sad. Generally that's how people respond.
I don't understand people's love for the sun, it's so annoying. And hot. Ick. But I can talk (type) no further on the subject!
Let's proceed with this post. In summation, the weather is finally back to our town's normal grey skies and wet...everything. So now that the weather is back, so am I! I have officially switched from summer mode to back to school mode. Caris is back in business.
I love it so much I can hardly stand it.
When I look at the clouds hovering over the mountains and consuming the sky, I get...warm fuzzies.
Special weather fuzzies.
Seriously, when I look outside I feel so incredibly content with the world. Like nothing could shatter such a magnificent feeling. Of course this is false, but I try to be positive.
As I ran some errands around town I rolled down the window just so I could feel the cold wind brushing my arms and face. The other day I didn't wear a sweater on my way to school when it was "misting" because the feeling of the precipitation tickling my arms is too wonderful to pass up. I don't live more than 2 minutes away but that's not the point. The point is, how does weather do this?
Weather is a talented thing and really should be given an award, multiple awards in fact! Everything from Hurricanes to Sand Storms in no time at all! It's just insanity. And the ability to make others feel different emotions. For example, when I see clouds and rain I am happy (elated really) but when others see the that they are sad. Generally that's how people respond.
I don't understand people's love for the sun, it's so annoying. And hot. Ick. But I can talk (type) no further on the subject!
Let's proceed with this post. In summation, the weather is finally back to our town's normal grey skies and wet...everything. So now that the weather is back, so am I! I have officially switched from summer mode to back to school mode. Caris is back in business.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Public Speaking
Apparently more people would rather die than get up in front of a crowd and speak.
Public speaking is the number one fear, even death didn't make number one.
This statistic makes sense to me though. Public speaking is awful. It's torture. It's everything you don't want life to be and then some. My stomach churns, my face goes red, I can hear my voice shaking, I am shaking, my palms are sweating but are cold as ice. I hate public speaking.
Going red is a very, very common occurrence for me and I hate it. That's one of my number one fears when I get up there. Will I go red? The answer is undoubtedly yes every time. I blush easier than a naked woman in a grocery store.
But, there is one thing I have discovered that has changed this issue in my life, forever.
Why are we so afraid?
Why does it matter so much?
Seriously, who gives a hoot?
Really all your doing is talking in front of people. It's not a big deal.
This was my revelation.
I am challenging myself with this public speaking issue and am making myself do it. I read poetry in front of my peers in a classroom, and today I am doing a little speech in front of them again but for grad executive purposes.
I didn't even get red when I read the poetry! I mean, what was I worrying about? Who cares? We only have one life (unless you believe in reincarnation) so why would I let a little thing like public speaking take over?
Fear will not rule my life. I will keep challenging myself until I can get up in front of my my grad class and talk to them without feeling any anxiety whatsoever. This won't beat me. In this case, it is a competition.
And I will win.
Public speaking is the number one fear, even death didn't make number one.
This statistic makes sense to me though. Public speaking is awful. It's torture. It's everything you don't want life to be and then some. My stomach churns, my face goes red, I can hear my voice shaking, I am shaking, my palms are sweating but are cold as ice. I hate public speaking.
Going red is a very, very common occurrence for me and I hate it. That's one of my number one fears when I get up there. Will I go red? The answer is undoubtedly yes every time. I blush easier than a naked woman in a grocery store.
But, there is one thing I have discovered that has changed this issue in my life, forever.
Why are we so afraid?
Why does it matter so much?
Seriously, who gives a hoot?
Really all your doing is talking in front of people. It's not a big deal.
This was my revelation.
I am challenging myself with this public speaking issue and am making myself do it. I read poetry in front of my peers in a classroom, and today I am doing a little speech in front of them again but for grad executive purposes.
I didn't even get red when I read the poetry! I mean, what was I worrying about? Who cares? We only have one life (unless you believe in reincarnation) so why would I let a little thing like public speaking take over?
Fear will not rule my life. I will keep challenging myself until I can get up in front of my my grad class and talk to them without feeling any anxiety whatsoever. This won't beat me. In this case, it is a competition.
And I will win.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
From Bad to Worse
One of my very best friends in the whole wide world left for England today.
Isn't that outrageous? In a good way of course.
Anyway, today has been a rather sad day to say the least. And after "My Girl" last night, let's just say I've been kind of...emotional.
I am so excited for her and want her to soak up every single second of it but I miss her already and knowing she's all the way across the big blue wet thing doesn't help. Mostly, I want her to be safe. I know that having fun is important too but I rather her be safe. It's a big deal to go somewhere foreign alone you know! A fairly large one. Maybe everything just seems like a big deal because I'm so emotional? Aw man, emotions are the pits (as my grandma would say). Tomorrow will be different. I won't be affected in any emotional way whatsoever to anything that's said! Of course, there are exceptions to every rule... :)
What am I saying? I said that yesterday and look how that went! Ok, come on. Be optimistic. Tomorrow WILL be a better day. I WILL NOT be emotionally insane. I WILL have the best day ever and I WILL sing a little tune to help.
Folks, I think this is a turning point. Tomorrow will be the best day ever, apparently. So join me! It'll be a little test for yourself. And you know how everyone LOVES tests.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Not going to lie, I just ADORE the little fish on my blog. Currently beside this post.
Honestly, I can't help but talk to them like they're my pets. "Come here little ones!" "Go play now!" It's constant. They are my world. Ok, I lied there. Just for a moment or two though. Just a baby lie. A baby.
Seven beautiful fishies... <3 I might have also...maybe...perhaps...named them. I feel like I do that to everything. Like it's a disease of sort that I have. I have to name inanimate objects or else I'll die. Moving on...
Fish #1 is Noah (a fairly attractive name)
Fish #2 is LaffTaff (who doesn't want a virtual fish named LaffTaff?!)
Fish #3 is Philip (after Prince Philip from Sleeping Beauty, of course)
Fish #3 is Fitzwilliam
Fish #4 is Darcy
Fish #5 is Gwyneth (Paltrow!)
Fish #6 is Flart (for Phoebe ;)
Red Fish #7 Seamus (pronounced Shame-us, after the adorably wonderful and irish male from Harry Potter)
I thought these names were pretty solid. I mean, how often do you get to name seven virtual fish? Not often enough! I think every individual in the world needs seven virtual fishies. Who needs food? Water? Seriously, what a bunch of wimps. I think you can last without those for a little while! Those little children in Africa, yeah, just give them seven little fish. Virtual fish. On an ipad or some other awesome technological device and then send them on their merry way.
If the world were a puzzle, I think I just solved it.
Virtual fishies are the answer.
Seven virtual fishies.
All you need is fish.
p.s. If you are unaware of how sarcastic the last part of this post was I apologize and ask you to please read it again knowing full well I am only kidding. Thank you.
Honestly, I can't help but talk to them like they're my pets. "Come here little ones!" "Go play now!" It's constant. They are my world. Ok, I lied there. Just for a moment or two though. Just a baby lie. A baby.
Seven beautiful fishies... <3 I might have also...maybe...perhaps...named them. I feel like I do that to everything. Like it's a disease of sort that I have. I have to name inanimate objects or else I'll die. Moving on...
Fish #1 is Noah (a fairly attractive name)
Fish #2 is LaffTaff (who doesn't want a virtual fish named LaffTaff?!)
Fish #3 is Philip (after Prince Philip from Sleeping Beauty, of course)
Fish #3 is Fitzwilliam
Fish #4 is Darcy
Fish #5 is Gwyneth (Paltrow!)
Fish #6 is Flart (for Phoebe ;)
Red Fish #7 Seamus (pronounced Shame-us, after the adorably wonderful and irish male from Harry Potter)
I thought these names were pretty solid. I mean, how often do you get to name seven virtual fish? Not often enough! I think every individual in the world needs seven virtual fishies. Who needs food? Water? Seriously, what a bunch of wimps. I think you can last without those for a little while! Those little children in Africa, yeah, just give them seven little fish. Virtual fish. On an ipad or some other awesome technological device and then send them on their merry way.
If the world were a puzzle, I think I just solved it.
Virtual fishies are the answer.
Seven virtual fishies.
All you need is fish.
p.s. If you are unaware of how sarcastic the last part of this post was I apologize and ask you to please read it again knowing full well I am only kidding. Thank you.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Demo Derby
Ok, so maybe reading a gigantic post about a book you've never read and probably won't ever read was a waste of your time. Or maybe you didn't even read it. Either way, I apologize. It did feel good to talk about it though. When you find something wonderful and exciting, don't you want to share it with people?
Moving on, today is the Demolition Derby. No big deal.
For those of you who are completely unaware of what this event is, allow me to shed some light on the subject. The Demolition Derby is an afternoon event where practically our entire town gets together and watches beaten up cars beat each other some more. Yep. It's very hick. Very small town. But I thoroughly enjoy it and I guess the rest of the town does too since they show up every year. Sometimes cars catch on fire and every one is just stoked out of their little minds and other times they just get stuck in the mud and can't get out. Today it will be quite warm and probably dusty so it's going to be hard to see the vehicles.
This year there's this "Grad" car. I'm rooting for that one obviously. Our grad class signed our names all over it and the dad of one girl in our grad class will be driving it. I'm pumped.
So today will be a memory of 9/11 and a redneck car bashing fiasco. Woot! Woot!
Moving on, today is the Demolition Derby. No big deal.
For those of you who are completely unaware of what this event is, allow me to shed some light on the subject. The Demolition Derby is an afternoon event where practically our entire town gets together and watches beaten up cars beat each other some more. Yep. It's very hick. Very small town. But I thoroughly enjoy it and I guess the rest of the town does too since they show up every year. Sometimes cars catch on fire and every one is just stoked out of their little minds and other times they just get stuck in the mud and can't get out. Today it will be quite warm and probably dusty so it's going to be hard to see the vehicles.
This year there's this "Grad" car. I'm rooting for that one obviously. Our grad class signed our names all over it and the dad of one girl in our grad class will be driving it. I'm pumped.
So today will be a memory of 9/11 and a redneck car bashing fiasco. Woot! Woot!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
This morning I'm feeling a book discussion. Well I guess it's not really a discussion when I'm the only one in it. But your comments could make it one!
Anyway, I found this book called "Wither". Basically, it was incredible. I am the slowest reader known to mankind and I finished in three days. Last night I stayed up till 12:30 to finish it. I was just so close! And then I tell myself, one more chapter and then I'll stop. P.S. I don't stop.
The novel was set in a time after the 21st century, but instead of being futuristic it was...different. I don't even have words for it. So in this day and age, in "Wither", they found a cure for cancer and have then created this generation of sorts called the 2nd generation, who are practically immortal. They are free from disease, allergies, etc. although they can still get hurt. They aren't indestructible. The one problem with these 2nd generation people is that there is this "virus" they call it, that kills girls when they are twenty and guys when they are twenty-five. Many scientists are still looking for an antidote but lots gave up hope a long time ago.
The first generations would be people like you and me, and once they're gone there will be no more. They aren't really allowed to breed new children of a first generation, but most don't want to anyway because they have defects.
Also in this time period, a nuclear war, World War III occurred and destroyed the entire earth except for North America. Now the rest of the world is burnt and barren, countries like India and China, Australia and Russia are no more. The culture and the language is all in books, it's history. And as if the world couldn't get any worse, there's these people called Gatherers who kidnap girls from all over and force them to marry a Housemaster. It's polygamy though and he has multiple wives. It's all so bizarre to read but so incredibly interesting! There are many other things throughout the book that just shock me and keep me reeled in constantly. When it's not holograms of sea creatures in the pool, it's scientifically modified flowers that bloom brighter than regular ones.
In summation of this fantastical tale, I will tell you that "Wither" is about one girl who is kidnapped and brought to marry a man named Linden. There is a love story in there and some....different sort of friendships too. I definitely recommend it. Pick it up from your local library :) Wow, that sounds like something they'd say on Arthur. Not that there is anything wrong with Arthur. I love the guy.
My question for you (for possible discussion) is, how do you think world war III would work if it did happen? What countries would be involved and what would they be fighting for?
Anyway, I found this book called "Wither". Basically, it was incredible. I am the slowest reader known to mankind and I finished in three days. Last night I stayed up till 12:30 to finish it. I was just so close! And then I tell myself, one more chapter and then I'll stop. P.S. I don't stop.
The novel was set in a time after the 21st century, but instead of being futuristic it was...different. I don't even have words for it. So in this day and age, in "Wither", they found a cure for cancer and have then created this generation of sorts called the 2nd generation, who are practically immortal. They are free from disease, allergies, etc. although they can still get hurt. They aren't indestructible. The one problem with these 2nd generation people is that there is this "virus" they call it, that kills girls when they are twenty and guys when they are twenty-five. Many scientists are still looking for an antidote but lots gave up hope a long time ago.
The first generations would be people like you and me, and once they're gone there will be no more. They aren't really allowed to breed new children of a first generation, but most don't want to anyway because they have defects.
Also in this time period, a nuclear war, World War III occurred and destroyed the entire earth except for North America. Now the rest of the world is burnt and barren, countries like India and China, Australia and Russia are no more. The culture and the language is all in books, it's history. And as if the world couldn't get any worse, there's these people called Gatherers who kidnap girls from all over and force them to marry a Housemaster. It's polygamy though and he has multiple wives. It's all so bizarre to read but so incredibly interesting! There are many other things throughout the book that just shock me and keep me reeled in constantly. When it's not holograms of sea creatures in the pool, it's scientifically modified flowers that bloom brighter than regular ones.
In summation of this fantastical tale, I will tell you that "Wither" is about one girl who is kidnapped and brought to marry a man named Linden. There is a love story in there and some....different sort of friendships too. I definitely recommend it. Pick it up from your local library :) Wow, that sounds like something they'd say on Arthur. Not that there is anything wrong with Arthur. I love the guy.
My question for you (for possible discussion) is, how do you think world war III would work if it did happen? What countries would be involved and what would they be fighting for?
Friday, September 9, 2011
Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses
One day as I was walking home from work, in a lovely mood despite the sunshine, a middle aged couple stops just ahead of me. I wondered what the heck they were doing. They were walking towards me and then turned into the bush. I thought it was rather odd but I kept walking on my merry way. Finally, when I passed them I see that they had been smelling the flowers of someone's well kept garden. The man then said to me, "You've got to take the time to smell the roses!". I laughed in agreement and continued on just as they did. I don't think I'll forget that couple. They were so content, so pleased with the world even with its destruction. I think that we need to listen to this wise man. People need to stop and take the time to smell the roses. Or any flower for that matter. Just taking time out of your day to enjoy the pleasures of this earth. It's a simple yet beautiful thing. So today, as you go along your merry way, stop and take the time to smell the roses.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
It happened.
It happened without my permission.
It happened without my okay.
It happened without me really accepting it.
I'm graduating in June.
Who said that I was allowed to be in grade 12? I'm much too young. I'm not mature enough.
I always thought the grade 12's were leaders who had it all together. They were mature and so adult-like.
Not like me. I'm not any of what I thought they were.
Maybe they all felt like me. Maybe they were scared. Maybe they felt immature and not ready for it all to happen quite yet. Maybe they didn't have it all together.
I'm graduating in June.
Who said that I shouldn't be in grade 12? I'm practically an adult now. I'm mature. I'm a leader. I have it all together.
Maybe it's okay to feel this way. Maybe it's okay to be scared. Maybe it's okay to feel immature and not ready for it all to happen quite yet. Maybe it's okay to not have it all together.
I'm graduating in June. :)
It happened without my okay.
It happened without me really accepting it.
I'm graduating in June.
Who said that I was allowed to be in grade 12? I'm much too young. I'm not mature enough.
I always thought the grade 12's were leaders who had it all together. They were mature and so adult-like.
Not like me. I'm not any of what I thought they were.
Maybe they all felt like me. Maybe they were scared. Maybe they felt immature and not ready for it all to happen quite yet. Maybe they didn't have it all together.
I'm graduating in June.
Who said that I shouldn't be in grade 12? I'm practically an adult now. I'm mature. I'm a leader. I have it all together.
Maybe it's okay to feel this way. Maybe it's okay to be scared. Maybe it's okay to feel immature and not ready for it all to happen quite yet. Maybe it's okay to not have it all together.
I'm graduating in June. :)
Monday, September 5, 2011
My apologies for the delay. Camping does that.
But whilst camping I have concluded that my sister is frightening perfect for me. We have enough inside jokes to float the titanic and still fight enough to be sisters. Although, our "fighting" looks more like laughing and physical abuse. Unfortunately I have at least 1000 times more buttons to be pushed so she can win in an emotional battle. Fortunately I can beat her up pretty bad in the physical battles.
We have had hysterical laughing fits more times than I can count and we're equally crazy. When I'm feeling a little loopy, she is there to be sane and laugh at me. When she's a little loopy, haha, well I do the same. Kind of. Maybe. Sometimes. Well I usually become loopy too, not going to lie. My sister does that to me. She has a strange affect on people. Or maybe just me. Well anyway, I couldn't live without her. I love you Phobe <3
"Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters."
~White Christmas~
But whilst camping I have concluded that my sister is frightening perfect for me. We have enough inside jokes to float the titanic and still fight enough to be sisters. Although, our "fighting" looks more like laughing and physical abuse. Unfortunately I have at least 1000 times more buttons to be pushed so she can win in an emotional battle. Fortunately I can beat her up pretty bad in the physical battles.
We have had hysterical laughing fits more times than I can count and we're equally crazy. When I'm feeling a little loopy, she is there to be sane and laugh at me. When she's a little loopy, haha, well I do the same. Kind of. Maybe. Sometimes. Well I usually become loopy too, not going to lie. My sister does that to me. She has a strange affect on people. Or maybe just me. Well anyway, I couldn't live without her. I love you Phobe <3
"Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters."
~White Christmas~
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