Wednesday, September 14, 2011

From Bad to Worse

One of my very best friends in the whole wide world left for England today.
Isn't that outrageous? In a good way of course. 
Anyway, today has been a rather sad day to say the least. And after "My Girl" last night, let's just say I've been kind of...emotional. 
I am so excited for her and want her to soak up every single second of it but I miss her already and knowing she's all the way across the big blue wet thing doesn't help. Mostly, I want her to be safe. I know that having fun is important too but I rather her be safe. It's a big deal to go somewhere foreign alone you know! A fairly large one. Maybe everything just seems like a big deal because I'm so emotional? Aw man, emotions are the pits (as my grandma would say). Tomorrow will be different. I won't be affected in any emotional way whatsoever to anything that's said! Of course, there are exceptions to every rule... :)
What am I saying? I said that yesterday and look how that went! Ok, come on. Be optimistic. Tomorrow WILL be a better day. I WILL NOT be emotionally insane. I WILL have the best day ever and I WILL sing a little tune to help.
Folks, I think this is a turning point. Tomorrow will be the best day ever, apparently. So join me! It'll be a little test for yourself. And you know how everyone LOVES tests. 

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