This morning I'm feeling a book discussion. Well I guess it's not really a discussion when I'm the only one in it. But your comments could make it one!
Anyway, I found this book called "Wither". Basically, it was incredible. I am the slowest reader known to mankind and I finished in three days. Last night I stayed up till 12:30 to finish it. I was just so close! And then I tell myself, one more chapter and then I'll stop. P.S. I don't stop.
The novel was set in a time after the 21st century, but instead of being futuristic it was...different. I don't even have words for it. So in this day and age, in "Wither", they found a cure for cancer and have then created this generation of sorts called the 2nd generation, who are practically immortal. They are free from disease, allergies, etc. although they can still get hurt. They aren't indestructible. The one problem with these 2nd generation people is that there is this "virus" they call it, that kills girls when they are twenty and guys when they are twenty-five. Many scientists are still looking for an antidote but lots gave up hope a long time ago.
The first generations would be people like you and me, and once they're gone there will be no more. They aren't really allowed to breed new children of a first generation, but most don't want to anyway because they have defects.
Also in this time period, a nuclear war, World War III occurred and destroyed the entire earth except for North America. Now the rest of the world is burnt and barren, countries like India and China, Australia and Russia are no more. The culture and the language is all in books, it's history. And as if the world couldn't get any worse, there's these people called Gatherers who kidnap girls from all over and force them to marry a Housemaster. It's polygamy though and he has multiple wives. It's all so bizarre to read but so incredibly interesting! There are many other things throughout the book that just shock me and keep me reeled in constantly. When it's not holograms of sea creatures in the pool, it's scientifically modified flowers that bloom brighter than regular ones.
In summation of this fantastical tale, I will tell you that "Wither" is about one girl who is kidnapped and brought to marry a man named Linden. There is a love story in there and some....different sort of friendships too. I definitely recommend it. Pick it up from your local library :) Wow, that sounds like something they'd say on Arthur. Not that there is anything wrong with Arthur. I love the guy.
My question for you (for possible discussion) is, how do you think world war III would work if it did happen? What countries would be involved and what would they be fighting for?
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