Thursday, September 15, 2011

Public Speaking

Apparently more people would rather die than get up in front of a crowd and speak.
Public speaking is the number one fear, even death didn't make number one.
This statistic makes sense to me though. Public speaking is awful. It's torture. It's everything you don't want life to be and then some. My stomach churns, my face goes red, I can hear my voice shaking, I am shaking, my palms are sweating but are cold as ice. I hate public speaking.
Going red is a very, very common occurrence for me and I hate it. That's one of my number one fears when I get up there. Will I go red? The answer is undoubtedly yes every time. I blush easier than a naked woman in a grocery store.
But, there is one thing I have discovered that has changed this issue in my life, forever.
Why are we so afraid?
Why does it matter so much?
Seriously, who gives a hoot?
Really all your doing is talking in front of people. It's not a big deal.
This was my revelation.
I am challenging myself with this public speaking issue and am making myself do it. I read poetry in front of my peers in a classroom, and today I am doing a little speech in front of them again but for grad executive purposes.
I didn't even get red when I read the poetry! I mean, what was I worrying about? Who cares? We only have one life (unless you believe in reincarnation) so why would I let a little thing like public speaking take over?
Fear will not rule my life. I will keep challenging myself until I can get up in front of my my grad class and talk to them without feeling any anxiety whatsoever. This won't beat me. In this case, it is a competition.
And I will win.

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying your blogging efforts. Are you considering a future in journalism? You definitely have a way with the written word and the public speaking will come.
