Monday, September 12, 2011


Not going to lie, I just ADORE the little fish on my blog. Currently beside this post.
Honestly, I can't help but talk to them like they're my pets. "Come here little ones!" "Go play now!" It's constant. They are my world. Ok, I lied there. Just for a moment or two though. Just a baby lie. A baby.
Seven beautiful fishies... <3 I might have also...maybe...perhaps...named them. I feel like I do that to everything. Like it's a disease of sort that I have. I have to name inanimate objects or else I'll die. Moving on...
Fish #1 is Noah (a fairly attractive name)
Fish #2 is LaffTaff (who doesn't want a virtual fish named LaffTaff?!)
Fish #3 is Philip (after Prince Philip from Sleeping Beauty, of course)
Fish #3 is Fitzwilliam
Fish #4 is Darcy
Fish #5 is Gwyneth (Paltrow!)
Fish #6 is Flart (for Phoebe ;)
Red Fish #7 Seamus (pronounced Shame-us, after the adorably wonderful and irish male from Harry Potter)
I thought these names were pretty solid. I mean, how often do you get to name seven virtual fish? Not often enough! I think every individual in the world needs seven virtual fishies. Who needs food? Water? Seriously, what a bunch of wimps. I think you can last without those for a little while! Those little children in Africa, yeah, just give them seven little fish. Virtual fish. On an ipad or some other awesome technological device and then send them on their merry way.
If the world were a puzzle, I think I just solved it.
Virtual fishies are the answer.
Seven virtual fishies.
All you need is fish.

p.s. If you are unaware of how sarcastic the last part of this post was I apologize and ask you to please read it again knowing full well I am only kidding. Thank you.


  1. now you have your lovely fishies and our picture to add pleasure to your day, little one. We are loving your blog, you're a very good writer.

  2. Great Post Caris. How do you keep track of the triplets?
