Monday, September 5, 2011


My apologies for the delay. Camping does that.
But whilst camping I have concluded that my sister is frightening perfect for me. We have enough inside jokes to float the titanic and still fight enough to be sisters. Although, our "fighting" looks more like laughing and physical abuse. Unfortunately I have at least 1000 times more buttons to be pushed so she can win in an emotional battle. Fortunately I can beat her up pretty bad in the physical battles.
We have had hysterical laughing fits more times than I can count and we're equally crazy. When I'm feeling a little loopy, she is there to be sane and laugh at me. When she's a little loopy, haha, well I do the same. Kind of. Maybe. Sometimes. Well I usually become loopy too, not going to lie. My sister does that to me. She has a strange affect on people. Or maybe just me. Well anyway, I couldn't live without her. I love you Phobe <3

"Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters."
~White Christmas~

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