Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Opinions are a funny thing. You can have an opinion on everything from fluffy bunnies to war.
But opinions themselves are not as funny as the people with the opinions.
What I want to know is why one person's opinion can ruin the relationship they have with the other person? It seems positively silly to me.
For example, politics. In a lot of families, politics is the unspoken topic of discussion. It's the taboo word and as soon as someone starts a discussion about how they think Arctic Sovereignty is important, the other(s) backs away and says "I don't like to get into that stuff.". I mean, politics isn't for everyone, I get that, but how the country you live in is run is based completely on politics. So maybe brushing up a bit on the current leaders of the parties isn't such a bad idea. Perhaps discussing just one political issue wouldn't hurt.
The reason quite a large number of families don't speak of something like politics is because of their genreation. It's how it was when they were growing up and why change tradition or, dare I say, change something.
More than politics though is the little issues. The bone I'm trying to pick at here is why friends have to feel "offended" and have their feelings hurt when one person has an opinion that's different than theirs on a small matter. For example, the weather. If I said that it was sunny outside and I hated it (which is 303% true) and my friend said that she liked the sun (with attitude) and was then mad at me because I had a different opinion than she. That's silly. Does it really matter if you don't think the same way, that you have different ideas of how things should work? p.s. It doesn't! At all!
It shouldn't matter if your friend likes sushi and you don't, or if you want a Christmas eve wedding and they want a June wedding. In the grand scheme of life and friendship, what does that have to do with your personal relationship with the person?
Now, having said that, I do understand that some opinions do matter in relationships. Religion is a big one.

But now that I've stated my opinion, you're welcome to state yours. It's okay of you disagree ;)

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